School of Wildlife Forensic and Health



The School is running Masters degree programme (M.V.Sc) and Ph.D. in Wildlife Health Management as well as PG Diploma in Wildlife Health Management. Till date, 26 M.V.Sc., 01 PG Diploma and 04 Ph.D. degrees have been awarded.

S.No. Course Code Course Title Credit Hrs. Semester
1. WHM 601 Wild Animal Health Management and Diagnostics 2+1 I
2. WHM 602 Pathology and Medicine of Wildlife Diseases (Carnivore) 2+1 I
3. WHM 603 Pathology and Medicine of Wildlife Diseases (Herbivore) 2+1 II
4. WHM 604 Capture and Restraining of Wild Animals 2+1 II
5. WHM 605 Zoo Architecture 1+1 I
6. WHM 606 Wildlife Forensics and Protection Laws 2+1 II
7. WHM 607 Pathology and Medicine of Non-human Primate and Reptilian Diseases 2+1 II
8. WHM 608 Disease Management of Pet and Wild Birds 1+1 I
9. WHM 609 Necropsy Procedures and Correlated Pathology 0+3 I
10. WHM 610 Computer Application in Wildlife Sciences 0+1 I
11. WHM 611 Nutritional Management in Captivity 1+1 II
12. WHM 691 Maters's Seminar 1+0 I/II
13. WHM 699 Master’s Research 20 I & II

S.No. Course Code Course Title Credit Hrs. Semester
1. WHM 701 Advances in Wildlife Health and Management 2+1 I
2. WHM 702 Management of Wildlife Diseases-I 1+1 I
3. WHM 703 Introduction to Wildlife Forensics 1+1 I
4. WHM 704 Wildlife Ethology 2+1 I
5. WHM 705 Advances in Wildlife Immobilization 2+1 II
6. WHM 706 Management of Wildlife Diseases-II 1+1 II
7. WHM 707 Molecular Techniques in Wildlife Forensics 0+2 II
8. WHM 708 Wildlife Necropsy and Correlated Pathology 0+3 I
9. WHM 709 Field Training on Wildlife Health 0+3 II
10. WHM 791 Seminar I 1+0 I
11. WHM 792 Seminar II 1+0 I/II
12. WHM 799 Research 0+45 I & II

PG Diploma
S.No. Course Code Course Title Credit Hrs. Semester
1. WHM 401 Introduction to Wild Animal Health Management - -
2. WHM 402 Pathology and Medicine of Important Wildlife Diseases - -
3. WHM 403 Capture of Wild Animals 1+1 I
4. WHM 404 Disease Management of Reptiles and Non-Human Primates - -
5. WHM 405 Necropsy of Wild Animals - -
6. WHM 406 Library Science and Computer Application in Wildlife Sciences - -
7. WHM 407 Field training on wildlife health and forensics - -
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