- Designation: Associate Professor
- Address: Department of Veterinary Gynaecology & Obstetrics,
College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry, NDVSU, Mhow - 453445 (M.P.) - : 9589422094
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Fields of Specialization:
Majoring Field: Veterinary Gynaecology & Obstetrics
Specializing field: Veterinary Gynaecology & Obstetrics
Current Projects:
Project Title | Role in the Project | Fund Outlay | Funding Agency |
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Completed Projects:
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Recent Research Publications:
- S.S. Mahour, S.P. Nema, Daljeet Chhabra, Anavil Bhardwaz and S.K. Karmore (2018) Antibacterial property of hot and cold extracted Turmeric extract: An in-vitro study The International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 7(10) 3147-3151.
- S.S. Mahour, S. Singh, A.K. Soni and S.P. Nema (2018). Chemotherapeutic management of canine transmissible venereal tumor in male dog: A case Report, International Journal of Science and Nature, 9 (3)308-309.
- Mahour, S.S., Nema, S.P., Rajput Neetu, Chhabra Daljeet, Karmore, S.K., Kurechiya, N. and Sikrodiya, R. (2020). Therapeutic efficacy of ethanolic herbal extracts and ciprofloxacin in metritic crossbred cows. Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies, 8(5): 1221-1224
- Mahour, S.S., Nema, S.P., Kurechiya, N. and Sikrodiya, R. (2020) Association of body condition score with uterine inflammatory diseases in crossbred cows. Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies, 8(4): 1804-1806
- Mahour, S.S., Nema, S.P., Aich, R., Karmore, S.K., Jatav, G.P. and Kurechiya, N. (2021). Use of Ethanolic Herbal Extracts and Ciprofloxacin for the Treatment of Subclinical Endometritis in Crossbred Cows. International Journal of Livestock Research, 11(1): 177-183
- Ravi Sikrodia, Daljeet Chhabra, S.S Mahor, SD Audarya, Rakhi Gangil and Rakesh Sharda (2021) Isolation of Staphylococcus from repeat breeder crossbred cattle and their antibiotic sensitivity pattern. Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies 2021; 9(1): 2158-2160
- Mahour, S.S., Parihar, A.S., Sharma, P. and Jatav, G.P. (2022). Management of uterine prolapse in a buffalo using non-conventional suture material for retention. International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies, 2(6): 648-649.
- Akanksha Pandey, Madhu Shivhare, S.S. Mahour, Jyotsana Shakkarpude, Nidhi Shrivastava, Astha Chaurasia, Ashok Patil and Nikhil Vashisth (2022) Hysteroscopic Insemination: A New Trend of Artificial. Annals of Forest Research, 65 (1): 4380-4391
- Nikhil Vashisth, Madhu Shivhare, S.S. Mahour, H. K. Mehta, ,Jyotsana Shakkarpude, Ranjit Aich, Shweta Rajoriya, Akanksha Pandey and Shivangi Upadhyay (2022). MMPS: Biology and It’s Applications in Veterinary Science. Annals of Forest Research, 65 (1): 5672-5684
- Mahour, S.S., Sharma, P., Srivastave, N. and Kumar, A. (2023). Cryoinjury- A Short Communication. Multilogic in Science, 12: 395-402.
Honours & Awards:
- Indo-Asian-Distinguished Scientist Award, 2021 (International Multidisciplinary Research Foundation)
- Utkrisht Vaigyanik Samman, 2021 (Madhya Bharat Krishak Bharti)
- Innovation & Dedicated Academician Award, 2022 (Jabalpur Management association, M.P (India) and Environment and Social welfare Society, Khajwaha M.P (India) and Central for Socio-Economic & Sustainability research, New Delhi
- Best Oral Presentation Award for Oral presentation with the paper entitled "Current Diagnostic Techniques for Uterine Inflammatory Diseases in Crossbred Cattle" at the "6th International Conference on Veterinary and Livestock" during July 28-29, 2023 organized by Conference Mind.
- Utkrishth Pashu Chikitsa Sodh Samman 2023, given by Madhya Bharat Krishak Bharti Magagine Certificates of Excellence in Reviewing (2023): Asian Journal of Animal Research and Animal Sciences